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Topic: Fivefold murder in Austria out of jealousy.  (Read 2518 times) previous topic - next topic

Fivefold murder in Austria out of jealousy.

This Sunday (6th of october 2019) morning some guy killed his ex-girlfriend, her new boyfriend and the whole family of his ex-gf.
He knocked on their door, shot the Father who opened the door. Then he proceeded to kill the mother and the brother. After that he broke into the adjacent house of his ex-girlfriend and killed her and her new boyfriend.
The suspect didnt have a criminal record and wasn't under the influence of any substances.

After the murders he just went to the police, put a knife and the pistol on the counter and said that he just killed 5 people.

More information in this german arcticle:

Some background information:
Kitzbuehl (Kitzbühl) is a rather "rich" town in the mountains. Murders or other crimes are really uncommon there. Such news are really big news.