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Topics - Admin

Discussion / Online anonymity
What are you're thoughts on privacy online?
Do you think everyone should be truly anonymous,
or should some amount of tracking should be involved?
Discussion / Twitch Leak
As you all know Twitch has a data leak of around 125GB that includes Source code with comments for the website and various console/phone versions, refrences to an unreleased steam competitor, payouts, encrypted passwords.

and all of twitter.

i found the magnet that contains all the leak, taken from 4chan where it was publicly posted.
Here enjoy

Admin, feel free to move this topic somewhere else or delete it if it's against Rules.
Discussion / Rocket.Chat
I was thinking about using Rocket chat as a support forum for my Lucidchat site.
Is it easy to install or a nightmare
You have done a great job here Mr Admin
I'd only be using the free version if I did use it but looking at this forum it looks like the best option.

any thoughts on using this software? or warnings

or Slack ?
What's the best forum to use that's free for a support forum??
I love this one and how it's done but I can't have it lol
Id love something like it though I can just make a sub folder and install a forum to link to my site.
Discussion / Ripping content from sites?(Question)
It all started when I saw this link on reddit, I tried doing it for myself but it didn't work, and the post also got taken down later. So I was wondering if anyone had guides to ripping media off sites like hulu, hbo, amazon etc. just want to know if this process is the same for each site or if it follows a general rule or something like that. Thanks!
Discussion / Brave or Chrome
What's the best Brave or Chrome, I sort of know the answer but I don't get along with the sync method on Brave.
Discussion / Jitsi self Hosting and customisation
Hi, I am self-hosting Jitsi Meet and I am trying to fork it so I can add some ideas to make the chatrooms more secure.

I would like to put a timer on kicking people out the room, say like once kicked you can not come back in for 30 mins
Also the ban method.
I would be using auth2ban for this but I am having so much trouble finding out a way of finding the IP to the user in the room.
I think only settings and profile are maybe good ways to link the user in the room but I'm still learning their code.
If anyone has any cool ideas or knows how to get the IP from the user in the Jitsi Chat room, give me a shout.
Side note: I have a passion for keeping kids safe online and the stories I found out on Jitsi classrooms are very bad so I am trying to make better methods
I would be so grateful for any help from people who know how to fork Jitsi and so on.
Many thanks and I hope you are all well
Discussion / Desktop Screenshot Share
I used to  be obsessed with searching images of other peoples desktop. (Guilty Pleasure I admit).  This was a way for me to find those unique and rare programs people were using that I had never yet heard of.  Then I would go and search, and if it sounded useful install.  So I'll share and feel free to reciprocate.!pwY3EIbZ!L9XLc0GIu71B9Ynsq4tZp1Q2d5T6tB0_n7WkGr9Zkfw

Discussion / best rclone mount flags
So What are you guys using while mounting gdrive or any other cloud drive with rclone please suggest me some flags which are best for longer mount time and I can directly download stuff in that directory       
Discussion / Where can I buy access to private forums?

Great site Admin.

Huge fan and have a been a long time lurker.

I would like to get into certain private closed forums such as forum.snahp for example; which is the best place to get into such forums using.

I do not mind paying to access.

Discussion / Project: Personal Media server using unlimited cloud storage like a NAS
The main aim of this project was to make a FREE personal Media server using my unlimited Google drive and other cloud storage.
I used Plex and Jellyfin for watching
and RaiDirive for setting up cloud drives as Network storage.

My Google Drive

I need help to figure some things out like:
1. A way to download torrent or direct links directly to my cloud. I tried using CyberTOR for directly transferring Torrent to google drive but it cant handle torrents with low seeds or large size.
I also used because they have google drive links for their movies but most of their content is in 720p and i am looking to make my server 1080p and above.
2. Setting up remote viewing, without having to leave my PC on all the time to watch shows on my phone.
3. Transcoding takes up all my CPU. A fix for this

Maybe i could buy a Raspberry pi and use it for this, but that would require the use of money, which goes against the aim of the project.
or i should i host this on Heroku or something similar which wont charge me.
I would really appreciate it anyone can help with these things.
Discussion / How do I search
How do I find a particular file on The Eye?
If I look at the music on, this page only shows me content from A to C, and I'm not sure how to see the rest.
Or if I'm looking for a particular Audiobook, all that's obvious to me is their "Top 100 Sci-Fi AudioBooks"  or their "7TB+ AudioBook Torrent Collection," which seems to require downloading a 500+ GB bulk at a time.

Is it possible to find a specific audiobook on The Eye? Is there another site I can find audiobooks?